If you are an attorney, accountant, financial planner, insurance agent or other professional who has relationships with people interested in philanthropy, Eastern Carolina Community Foundation is your best resource for information on charitable giving.

We invest our assets prudently to ensure grants can be made to address current community needs, while also preserving and increasing the assets for future generations of grantmaking.
If you have clients who
- who care deeply about their local community?
- give to more than one charitable cause?
- want to create a personal or family legacy in their community?
- have concern about the cost and administration of a private foundation?
- want to stay personally involved in the use of their philanthropic dollars?
- want to receive maximum tax benefit for their contributions?
We can connect them to the causes they care about.
We will provide you and your client with
- Personalized service: We work closely with you and your clients to develop a giving plan that matches their personal interests and tax planning needs. We can help integrate charitable giving into estate and financial plans, facilitate anonymous giving, and assist with even the most complex gift instruments.
- Local expertise: We monitor many areas of community need—human services, education, the environment, healthcare, the arts. We can help your clients learn more about agencies and programs in their areas of interest.
- Community leadership: We invest in the long term. We bring people and organizations together, convening diverse voices to address issues and opportunities. Our business is building community and promoting philanthropy to benefit the Pee Dee.
Eastern Carolina Community Foundation can be a resource for you and a philanthropic partner for your clients. Our expertise is knowing the many possibilities of charitable giving which can offer specific tax benefits and help your clients meet their financial, personal or business goals.