To create a fund, you sign an agreement that conveys your irrevocable gift to Eastern Carolina Community Foundation. A donor advisor(s) is designated in the agreement as the only person(s) who can recommend disbursements from the fund – usually the donor acting alone or with another individual.
$5,000 is the suggested minimum to start an endowed fund, which enables you to make grants from the fund’s interest. You can also build a fund over time by starting a Green Leaf Fund that requires a minimum donation of $1,000 with an agreement to reach $5,000 in 5 years. After you grow the fund to $5,000 in five years, it will convert to a specific fund type.
Additional contributions can be made at any time. Some funds receive automatic bank transfers monthly. Often funds receive additional contributions from a bequest or other types of planned giving.
The donor advisor(s) recognized in the fund agreement may submit grant recommendations for one or more charities using a customized grant recommendation form. Grants may only be made to nonprofit organizations or churches, schools or government entities. Staff will research and document the charitable status of the proposed recipient using criteria established by our Trustees in accordance with IRS guidelines.
Yes. Certain grants are disallowed by IRS guidelines if personal benefit or services are rendered to the donor, donor advisor(s) and/or related parties. Common examples include:
Fund investment is under the supervision of a Finance and Investment Committee appointed by our Board of Trustees in accordance with our Statement of Investment Policy. Regular reviews are conducted to monitor investment performance and activity.
Yes! Encourage your children to carry on your tradition of philanthropy by appointing them as successor advisors. Experience indicates that the legacy of philanthropic commitment is instilled through example and shared activities.
Yes! Here are more opportunities to join with us in strengthening our communities.
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