What We Do
The group is Women in Philanthropy, a giving circle based on the theory that women informed about philanthropy and about needs in their community can collectively make a difference. These women are dedicated to improving the quality of life in the Pee Dee by combining their financial and intellectual resources to award annual grants to nonprofit organizations. Members connect to each other, and to the community and bring about change through the power of small grants.
Women in Philanthropy was founded in 2009. Each member is a link in an ever-growing chain that enables Women in Philanthropy to do collectively what no one member might achieve individually. Membership gifts are pooled to create a larger fund that awards grants. Every member has a voice and a vote in where the funds go.

Grants from Women in Philanthropy have helped abused women and children, cancer patients needing medications, senior citizens needing in home nurse visits, handicapped children eager for a week at camp, and indigent individuals needing dentures. In turn, staff from organizations receiving funds are frequent speakers at Women in Philanthropy events.
The professionals share information about the work they are doing in the community which provides education about needs in the community. Some women take their interest further by becoming volunteers at organizations though this is not required.
Women in Philanthropy, the Giving Circle Fund of the foundation, offers an annual grant opportunity for nonprofit organizations. Organizations must be a registered charity and serve one or more of the following South Carolina Counties: Chesterfield, Darlington, Dillon, Florence, Marion, Marlboro, and Williamsburg. The grant purpose must align with Women in Philanthropy’s objectives to support organizations that are working to improve lives through addressing health, nutrition, prevention and/or care needs for victims of violence, neglect, and/or poverty. Grants will be made up to $7,000 each and will be announced in October, distributed in November.
Since its inception, $779,000 has been awarded to nonprofit organizations throughout the Pee Dee. CARE House of the Pee Dee, Lighthouse Ministries, The Trent Hill Center for Children and Families, Community Kitchen of Bennettsville, The Naomi Project, Marion Habitat for Humanity, and Specially ABLED Miracles are examples of past recipients.

Membership Information
Any woman who resides in the Pee Dee and commits to contributing $550 annually– women 40 and younger may contribute $275 — is encouraged to join. Members represent a broad variety of incomes, religions, backgrounds, and educational and/or career achievements. In addition to the financial contribution, the only other requirement is to have a significant interest in Pee Dee charities.